Delta Co 1Bn 5Th Marines Guestbook!
03/28/01 09:04:28 PM  
What is your name? Jack Cunningham
What's your Occupation? PTSD Disabled and Proud
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? Sussex, New Jersey
How did you find out about this website?? Searching for Marine Sites - 5th Marines
What Unit Did You Serve With? The Combined Action Program - a village outside of An Hoa
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I'm pushing a movie and television series on the Combined Action Program. I served just outside the gates of An Hoa. Please visit my web site at
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03/28/01 07:19:10 AM  
What is your name? Harold MacLean
What's your Occupation? College Student
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? Nova Scotia, Canada
How did you find out about this website?? Searching
What Unit Did You Serve With?
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? You are all heroes. Noone but those of you who witnessed it first hand can understand the horrors of war. Noone can remember it but you. You are all heroes.
03/27/01 01:34:04 PM  
What is your name? Peter Gomolčák
What's your Occupation? freelance journalist
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? Bratislava, Slovakia
How did you find out about this website?? searching
What Unit Did You Serve With? (as for USA)
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? OK,good to see such pages.
03/27/01 07:47:37 AM  
What is your name? Ted Randall, USMC ret.
What's your Occupation? Graduate student/TA
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? Miami, FL
How did you find out about this website?? Searching Yahoo
What Unit Did You Serve With? Golf Co. 2/8 83-87, 2nd Force Recon 87-96
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Awesome web page. The best photo gallery I have seen on the WWW. Great memorial to those who died and to those who proudly served in The Nam. I am doing a graduate thesis on Vietnam War Literature and would like to contact some vets for interviews. Any points of contact someone could recommend? Thanks to all the hard chargers of 1/5 who did their duty. Once a Marine Always a Marine. Semper-Fi
03/25/01 03:23:13 PM  
What is your name? john lambert
What's your Occupation? sales manager
Did you serve in Vietnam? H&S Co 1stBn/26th Regiment 68-69
Where do you live? omaha,ne
How did you find out about this website?? researching
What Unit Did You Serve With? 1/26 9th MAB
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Looking for any one who knew Pfc Jerry Duane Mounts Charlie Co. 1st Bn/5th Marines he was KIA 2-13-68 in the street fighting at Hue during TET. He was 19 and had only been in country 28 days. He was/is a very good friend of mine. Imposters do not reply!
03/24/01 05:39:25 PM  
What is your name? Stephen D Newton
What's your Occupation? Mechanic Oakland Waterfront
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? S.F.Bay Area
How did you find out about this website?? Surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? D1/26 and C1/5
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I served from 69 to70 , your site brought back alot of memories.Good for you to take time to put this site together.
03/20/01 06:18:10 PM  
What is your name? Raul Vasquez
What's your Occupation? KM Consultant/Ret.
Did you serve in Vietnam? 3/5...9/66 to Halloween 67...HQ/106's/Mike2ndPlt-2nd Sqd
Where do you live? Chicagoland
How did you find out about this website?? Securenet
What Unit Did You Serve With? 3rd Bn. 5th Marines-attached to 2/7 and 1/5 & v.s.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? 1/5 was veddy, veddy, good at setting up meetings with the NVA. They were nice enough to let us join in just about anytime. THANKs. SEMPER FI my Brothers...The SQUEZ
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03/19/01 05:18:44 PM  
What is your name? Will Hemmings
What's your Occupation? Student
Did you serve in Vietnam? No, my dad did though
Where do you live? Chicago IL
How did you find out about this website?? Yahoo
What Unit Did You Serve With? My dad served with the 101st screaming Eagles
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Hey I admire you for serving in the Military, I hope that every single soldier knows how much society appreciates and thanx you all for what you did over there, believe me, I've heard some horrible stories about what you went through.
03/18/01 08:03:17 PM  
What is your name? Bruce McCabe
What's your Occupation? Development Electrical Engineer
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes Aug. to Dec. 1967 Wpns plt. B-1-5 Sgt E-5
Where do you live? Scituate,RI
How did you find out about this website?? surfing the E-Net
What Unit Did You Serve With? Wpns Plt. B-1-5
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Last 5 mo. in Corps was spent in Que Son Valley.I have some pictures I can send sometime I remember a few names of Wepns.Plt.members
03/18/01 05:34:42 AM  
What is your name? Larry D. Hardee
What's your Occupation? Retired Police Officer Myrtle Beach,SC
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? North Myrtle Beach, SC
How did you find out about this website?? Surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? 60mm Wpns Plt Bravo Co. 1st Bn 5th Marines 67-68
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? An outstanding site. We have not forgotten this WAR "they" called a conflict, nor our buddies, both fallen and still with us. SEMPER FI
03/16/01 04:33:49 AM  
What is your name? L/CPL Bruce W. Lorry 2267803
What's your Occupation? retired (was news photographer)
Did you serve in Vietnam? no didn't make it there my brother Marine
Where do you live? Boston, Massachusetts
How did you find out about this website?? from BoonDockers Guestbook
What Unit Did You Serve With? 2nd Amtracts, Marine Barracks, Morocco, 3rd Amtracts Okinawa
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Your website is outstanding. You have put a lot of time, and thought into it.Shows your Pride in the Corps. SEMPER FI, Bruce USMC 67/70
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03/11/01 02:11:02 PM  
What is your name? Todd Scott
What's your Occupation? Med. Retired USN
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? VA
How did you find out about this website?? A friend of yours told me about your site.
What Unit Did You Serve With? USS Missouri(BB-63) / Amphibious construction battalion 2
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site, I am glad that there are sites like yours on the web. We should never forget the people and sacrifices that were made for this great country. God bless you and all who served. PS: Go Navy
03/11/01 06:49:32 AM  
What is your name? John P. Lund
What's your Occupation? Analyst for the Postal Service
Did you serve in Vietnam? Dec 67 - Aug 69
Where do you live? Stamford CT
How did you find out about this website?? Just Surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? Mike Co 3rd Bn 5Th Marines
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great Web Page, brought back a lot of memories. I landed in Viet Nam Dec 67 and was at LZ 412 about 8 miles southwest of DaNang. During Tet of 68 my company pulled security for the SeaBees who were builing bridges between DaNang and Phu Bai. Spent a few months in Phu Bai then about 1 year at An Hoi. I was the Chief Clerk for Mike Co then. At An Hoi, my hootch was near the tower, the helicopter LZ, the ammo dump and the 155's. Keep up the good work. I just want to say hello to all my former fellow Marines and wish them well with their lives. We should all be proud of serving with the Marines in Viet Nam, especially the 5th Marines. Thanks for your time.
03/10/01 09:00:45 PM  
What is your name? Steve L. Carlson
What's your Occupation? Hydrulic Press Operator
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes, 68-69
Where do you live? Frankfort, Indiana
How did you find out about this website?? On website
What Unit Did You Serve With? Delta Co. !st.Bn. 5th.Reg. 1st. Mar.Div.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? This is a great website. I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the great work. I was in the Tet Offensive of 68 in Hue City. It is something that will stay with me the rest of my life. To this day I still can't talk about it very much. Just thinking about it brings back a tear to my eyes. Semper Fi,
03/03/01 07:34:23 AM  
What is your name? RICHARD BAXTER
What's your Occupation? musician(drummer)
Did you serve in Vietnam? no god bless
Where do you live? VANIER,ONTARIO,CANADA(613)742-7681
How did you find out about this website?? just surfed in
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Hi very cool website good work all best wishes Cheers!!Richard Baxter
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03/01/01 05:43:54 PM  
What is your name? GRADNEY, JR. MICHAEL E.
What's your Occupation? NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR
Did you serve in Vietnam? OUT OF COUNTRY 1962-1966
Where do you live? 3939 MARLTON AVE. #406 LOS ANGELES, CA. 90008
How did you find out about this website?? BROWSING IN MY COMPUTER CLASS
What Unit Did You Serve With? 1st FSR, S&R Co., MATERIAL Bn. 1st MAR DIV. PEND., CA.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I went from Camp Pendleton to Marine Barracks, Kodiak, Alaska in Dec '63, for a one year tour, and then on to Marine Corps Supply Depot, Albany, Ga. Then out on 3 Oct 66, with a 4 month extension. My life was threatened in Ga. by a Major USMC. So I knew getting out was best. Especially after I requested Nam and was refused. I made PFC and had 9 Office Hours. All Office Hours were in Ga. My brother Gabriel J. Gradney, served as a Scout Sniper USMC, in Nam from 67-68, and was in the Tet. In Ga. we worked our tails off day and night(mostly running guard)to keep everyone well supplied to stay alive on the otherside of the pond. I also have a cousin that served there the same time as my brother, but in the USAF. I have an uncle, Lloyd Barbarin USN Corpman, both in the bush and on board ship. He joined before anyone in the family. He retired E-8 Navy with 3 tours. He was standing accross the street when the VC blew up the US Embassy. Early 60's I think. My brother has an e-mail and a Website URL. I was in here looking for his name in the snipers list and found you. God bless you greatly dear brother. I will tell L/CPL Gabriel J. Gradney about your site and you should hear from him very soon. I have been able to keep up with some of the guys from my old units. I am now in the US Army Reserve. I also went to DESERT STORM. I am still in Transportation.(smile)Some things never change. Right? I will try to get back to you soon. May God bless all in your house. SSG Michael E. Gradney, Jr.
02/27/01 07:37:35 PM  
What is your name? John Hetrick
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? Omaha, NE
How did you find out about this website?? Top 25
What Unit Did You Serve With? Delta 2/11, BLT 1/5
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Surfed onto your web site. I was with D/2/11 when it deployed from Kaneohe Bay to RVN with our first stop in RVN being Jack Stay, in the Rung Sat. 5th is the greatest! It was an honor to be part of a unit that provided fire support to 1/5 .
02/27/01 05:32:15 PM  
What is your name? Lt.Sean Whitlock
What's your Occupation? Marine Officer
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? Cleveland Ohio
How did you find out about this website?? ?
What Unit Did You Serve With? 2nd Recon
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? You Guys are Bad Ass
02/27/01 01:32:04 PM  
What is your name? A. Bowling
What's your Occupation? Trucking
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? Oronogo Mo
How did you find out about this website?? Yahoo
What Unit Did You Serve With? Grunt with the 3/3
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Good site bro, Semper Fi and welcome home
02/25/01 04:56:11 PM  
What is your name? DENNIS WHITELEY
What's your Occupation? TRUCK DRIVER
Did you serve in Vietnam? NO I LOST MY BRO IN 1968 DELTA CO 1/5 USMC
Where do you live? HYDE PARK NY
How did you find out about this website?? SISTER TOLD ME
02/23/01 11:41:40 AM  
What is your name? Lilia W. Mayer
What's your Occupation? Writer/ and Mom of USNA Mid (future Marine, God willing)
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? Virginia
How did you find out about this website?? Cousin of Corporal James Ward; after she read my posting on the Virtual Wall
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Thank you for allowing us to hear the voices and to see the faces of the men who did their duty to their utmost. You inspire us all. It's really important to share your stories with the world!! I began to learn about your trials by reading Robert Timberg's book (a Vietnam Vet) "The Nightingale's Song." The story of one particular Marine, Corporal James Ward, led me to visit the Vietnam Memorial Wall and to post a message on the Virtual Wall. My younger son wrote an essay on Corporal Ward, which we left at the foot of the panel where his name appears. Since then, I was able to Email a copy of this little essay to Corporal Ward's family. I wanted them to know that Jim's (Snake) brave deeds are teaching my 14 year old what it means to have The Right Stuff. Your legacy matters, Gentlemen. Thanks to your letters, I'm able to tell my children and their friends that a few, the proud and the brave live and died upholding enduring values. Our society needs to hear that men and women continue to offer their lives to protect their country and to defend its constitution, no matter the cost. This web site is a fantastic resource. If there is anything I could do to facilitate getting the word out, I would be honored to help educate the public at large. A grateful citizen and mother.
02/23/01 11:37:55 AM  
What is your name? ANTHONY J. JONES
Did you serve in Vietnam? NO, MY FATHER WAS AN LT WITH DELTA 1/5 1969
Where do you live? SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS
How did you find out about this website?? LUCKY FIND
02/21/01 04:49:28 PM  
What is your name? Marco Rojas
What's your Occupation? Mfg. Eng.
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes, 66/67 Union 1
Where do you live? San Dimas Ca
How did you find out about this website?? letter from Q
What Unit Did You Serve With? Delta 1/5 3rd herd, 3rd squad,3rd fire team
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I love the Marine Corps and I love and miss my brother Marines that didn't come back. I love this country.
02/20/01 08:36:15 PM  
What is your name? jeanette cruz
What's your Occupation? credit restoration service
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? florida
How did you find out about this website?? my uncle jose cruz
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? what a waste of lives for a country that does not mean anything to any of us! LETS NEVER REPEAT THE MISTAKE! good luck with your site and love to you uncle jose!!!!
02/19/01 05:42:17 PM  
What is your name? WILLIAM D. POWELL
What's your Occupation? SHERIFF'S LIEUTENANT
Did you serve in Vietnam? YES
Where do you live? DES MOINES, IOWA
How did you find out about this website?? SURFIN
What Unit Did You Serve With? DELTA 1/5, 3RD PLT. GUNS "M-60s" USMC, 70/71
02/19/01 03:29:19 PM  
What is your name? Anthony L. Crawley
What's your Occupation? Director of Safety/Personnel (Trucking Firm)
Did you serve in Vietnam? Chu Lai '65/'66
Where do you live? Union City, CA
How did you find out about this website?? Surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? Marine Attack Sqdr 311 Marine Air Grp 12 First Marine Air Wing
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Looking for Sgt(E-5) John "Wesley" Hartling last saw him 7-66 Chu Lai I will never forget the good times, nor the bad. Semper Fi.
02/18/01 06:46:47 PM  
What is your name? larry forst
What's your Occupation? garbageman
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? calif, mt aukum
How did you find out about this website?? surfing
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? great site and thank you for serving this country with honor ,because of men like you ,people like me and my family can enjoy the libertys and freedoms that you and many others fought and died for to insure ,i salute you
02/16/01 08:56:51 AM  
What is your name? Leonard Bruguier
What's your Occupation? professor/director
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? Vermillion, South Dakota
How did you find out about this website?? The Virtual Wall
What Unit Did You Serve With? D/1/5
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Spent most of my time on Hill 54, north of Chu Lai. Outstanding site. Thanks to all you Marines for making the Corps what it is. Never believed the Drill Instructors when they told us, once a Marine, always a Marine. It was a true statement. Semper Fi!
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02/15/01 07:42:15 AM  
What is your name? marissa
What's your Occupation? student
Did you serve in Vietnam? hell freakin no, but my step-dad did
Where do you live? in a house
How did you find out about this website?? just typing in site that are funny
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? interesting page.
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02/15/01 12:55:06 AM  
What is your name? Scooter
What's your Occupation? export sales
Did you serve in Vietnam? no - USMC '85-'89
Where do you live? Erie, PA
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Greetings to Q & All My Marine Bros, Right now I'm e-mailing you from Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City). Had to use a PC in a Internet shop since my hotel's phone system sucks. Got some messages from a few guys on pics to be taken during my trip to the Quang Tri province next month, and you can be assured that I'll get you the pics of Hue, Khe Sanh and places in between that I'll be checking out. Weather here isn't bad - beats the hell out of snow in PA. Coming home on Feb 18 and back overseas on Mar 01. Hang tough My Brothers. Semper Fi, Scooter
02/14/01 10:27:44 PM  
What is your name? Gary H Forston
What's your Occupation? Retired Marine and Retired Federal Law Enforcement.
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? Fresno California
How did you find out about this website?? Browsing
What Unit Did You Serve With? H&S Co Ist Bn Fifth Marines
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Just wanted to thank you for showing the pictures. especially the one of Liberty Bridge.I was in the battle of Liberty Bridge on March 19th 1969. I was the mess sergeant after M/sgt Keefe was killed running from his bunker at liberty bridge on that night. The casualty reeport mistook me for M/sgt keefe and listed my name as kia.They later corrected the list when I Showed up live at division headquarters two days later. after that I led the Battalion reactionary force squad in many more operations until I was rotated back to conus inDec of 1969,
02/14/01 10:50:47 AM  
What is your name? Steve Unzueta
What's your Occupation? Teacher/Coach
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes - 1967-68
Where do you live? Lemoore, Ca.
How did you find out about this website?? surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? CAP -Bravo-3, Tuy Loan, south of DaNang
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site. I am currently reading about 1/5 at Hue. Such bravery and heroism. Semper Fi
02/13/01 07:12:18 AM  
What is your name? Bill Rednour ( Rudy)
What's your Occupation? Retired aka Retarded
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes D 1/5 05/66 05/67
Where do you live? Martinsville, In
How did you find out about this website?? Jon Johnson
What Unit Did You Serve With? 2 nd Plt. D co. 1/5
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site. I have pictures of a lot of the guys that were killed on 5/12/67. That was the day that I was on the freedom bird coming home.I didn't find out about the firefight until later. I'll get the pictures together asap. Semper Fi to all those who served. May all those that ran off to keep from serving, rot in hell for eternity. Jimmy Carter fucked us all for letting the traiterous basterds back into our great country. Keep up the good work, Q
02/11/01 05:29:57 PM  
What is your name? rodney spears
What's your Occupation? retired police officer
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? poplarville,ms
How did you find out about this website?? just looking
What Unit Did You Serve With? 2nd plt. delta co. 1/5 Feb.1966 March 67
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? it was the best of times and the worst still can't stop thing about it.
02/11/01 03:37:52 PM  
What is your name? RON CHAMPINE
Did you serve in Vietnam? NO
Where do you live? GREEN BAY WISCONSIN
How did you find out about this website?? SEARCHED
What Unit Did You Serve With? 1ST BN 5TH MARINES
02/11/01 01:19:53 AM  
What is your name? Macon Jones
What's your Occupation? Social Worker
Did you serve in Vietnam? NO
Where do you live? North Carolina
How did you find out about this website?? Uncle, Mitch Liles(LYLE)
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? War is something that I will never have the chance to experience, but threw my father I have imagined what it was like. I know that how I picture the war is not even close to the reality so many had to experience. There is only one word that can express the lives lost, those that made it back, and those that are still there, "HEROES"
02/08/01 07:53:30 PM  
What is your name? peter saba
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? BOSTON MA.
How did you find out about this website?? a fellow MARINE
What Unit Did You Serve With? DELTA1/5 12-66 to 12-67
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? keep up the good work. semper FI
02/06/01 06:54:51 PM  
What is your name? David L Stachovak
What's your Occupation? telephone repair man
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? Wisconsin
How did you find out about this website?? George Prickett
What Unit Did You Serve With? 2nd Batt 9th marines hotel company
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? just visiting this trip. I will comment later after I've seen more of this page. Looks good so far.
02/06/01 10:54:52 AM  
What is your name? Sid Mayo
What's your Occupation? Right of Way Agent
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? Brandon, MS
How did you find out about this website?? Surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? Echo Co./2/1
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site! Makes me even more proud to be a Marine, if that is possible!!
02/06/01 09:08:38 AM  
What is your name? Jim Franckoowiak
What's your Occupation? Law Student
Did you serve in Vietnam? No - Dad served 2 tours - Purple Heart on the 2nd Tour
Where do you live? SLC, UT
How did you find out about this website?? Doing a project for school - wanted to tell the true story from the people who were there on the lines and fought face-to-face
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Thank you!!!! What more can be said but Thank You - everyone of the soldiers! Thanks
02/06/01 08:13:56 AM  
What is your name? Steve "Switchback" Fuquay
What's your Occupation? Sales Trainer, Mpower Communications
Did you serve in Vietnam? No.
Where do you live? Las Vegas, NV
How did you find out about this website?? Your daughter, Cindi.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Retired Lt. Col. USAF. (1972-1994) Base Commander, Desert Storm
02/05/01 04:52:59 PM  
What is your name? bob fowler
What's your Occupation? self employed, HVAC
Did you serve in Vietnam? No, a little too young
Where do you live? Columbus, Ohio
How did you find out about this website?? from CC and CajunBob
What Unit Did You Serve With? Never in the armed forces.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I've yet to meet cajunBob, but he must be quite a guy. A few more years and I would have been in Vietnam. I just hope that I would have served with the honor and steadfastness that you all did.
02/05/01 02:17:05 AM  
What is your name? Stevenmson B. de Vera
Did you serve in Vietnam? no i did not
Where do you live? Pob.East,Natividad,Pangasinan2446,Philippenes,
How did you find out about this website?? I was discover it at the website
What Unit Did You Serve With? 246'ht NROTC UNIT
 My Guestbook
02/04/01 07:21:48 AM  
What is your name? Allan Penwell
What's your Occupation? Banker
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? Champaign, Illinois
How did you find out about this website?? Hotlink
What Unit Did You Serve With? C btry, 5th Bn (AWSP), 2d Arty --Dusters and Quads
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great website. The Marines have an incredible tradition. Was at a concert where they played the Marine hymn, and all Marines in the audience stood at attention. Never knew that before.
02/02/01 11:53:32 PM  
What is your name? Cynthia Cruz-Hasenstab
What's your Occupation? Provisioning Manager
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? Las Vegas, NV
How did you find out about this website?? My Heroic Father - Jose Cruz
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I have lived the horrors of Vietnam through the eyes of my father. He showed me what it means to live, fight for what you believe in and love. I know that he and his brother & sisters in Combat have experienced attrocities that I can only imagine in my worst nightmares. What bothers me most is that even today people don't agree with what our flag stands for. However, I believe in my heart that I MUST share my father's memories with everyone I encounter. We cannot allow the ignorance of some individuals to shadow the valor of our fallen brothers & sisters. It is to you and those that have gone before us that I pledge my undying alliance. Thanks to all that served with my Daddy! I love you all!
02/02/01 07:47:27 PM  
What is your name? Craig Latham
What's your Occupation? Lab Supervisor for a PVC compounding company
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes, 1970 and 1971
Where do you live? Ohio
How did you find out about this website?? From another's guest book
What Unit Did You Serve With? 34th PID, 101st Airbornd Division (Airmobile)
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? A poem to share to all Vets' written by my wife of 5 months. Brothers and sisters Oh! The blood you have shed For this our nation. Many tears you have cried for the loss of your fellow soldiers. Those who have fallen in combat Those who are lost Never to return home again. I know your pain. I know your anger. I know the nightmares that plague you. They leave me screaming in the night. The remembered images are to vivid to have been so long ago. I salute you for your valor. I salute you for your courage and sacrifice. I hold you and the ones who have fallen in highest glory for all that you have given that we may all be free. written by Deona for her Beloved Craig
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02/01/01 06:18:28 PM  
What is your name? Scooter
What's your Occupation? Southeast Asia Sales
Did you serve in Vietnam? Nope
Where do you live? Pennsylvania
How did you find out about this website?? Been here... pages 109-111
What Unit Did You Serve With? 1st MAB, MCAS K-Bay HI ('86-'89)
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Right now I'm in Korea, heading to Singapore. I'll be in Saigon in less than two weeks. In March I'll be taking a trip to Hue and Khe Sanh. So I want to know if any of my fellow Marines want me to take photos of Hue or Khe Sanh - you let me know and I'll send 'em to Q so he can post 'em. Rock-N-Roll Devildogs... Scooter
02/01/01 03:36:24 AM  
What is your name? MIKE WEBER
Did you serve in Vietnam?
Where do you live? CRANDON WIS
How did you find out about this website?? JUST LUCKY
What Unit Did You Serve With? DELTA BATTERY 2ND BN. 11TH MARINES
01/30/01 11:58:34 AM  
What is your name? Terry L.Lacy
What's your Occupation? Disabled
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes-67/68
Where do you live? Ohio
How did you find out about this website?? surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? A Co. 1st Plt. 1 Bn. 26 Marines
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? You can take the Marine out of the war, but you can't take the war out of the Marine. "It will change your life forever."
01/29/01 03:59:34 PM  
What is your name? STEVEN W WILLIAMS
What's your Occupation? SHERIFF'S DEPUTY
Did you serve in Vietnam? NO
Where do you live? BATON ROUGE, LA
How did you find out about this website?? FELLOW MARINE
What Unit Did You Serve With? 7TH COMM BN OKI , 2ND TANK BN CAMP LEJEUNE, NC
01/28/01 05:15:14 PM  
What is your name? Buck Appel
What's your Occupation? Messaging and communications
Did you serve in Vietnam? 1967-1968
Where do you live? Philadelphia Area
How did you find out about this website??
What Unit Did You Serve With? 2nd Bn 11th Marines Echo Btry 155 howitzers
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Don't let them be forgotten. We owe it to them not to forget.
01/27/01 09:01:30 PM  
What is your name? Dale Dye
What's your Occupation? Actor, Author, Film Consultant
Did you serve in Vietnam? RVN 65, 67-70. Served with D/1/5 during assault on north side of Hue when we went over the walls. I was a Marine Corps Combat Correspondent attached to the unit.
Where do you live? Los Angeles
How did you find out about this website?? Referred by a fellow vet who knew I'd been with the outfit in Hue.
What Unit Did You Serve With? Mostly the following: F-2-1, E-2-3, H-2-5 and D-1-5 but as a Combat Correspondent, I got around. These outfits are where I knew people and had a home anytime I was in the AO.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Just wanted to say hello and let the Delta 1/5 guys know I'm thinking about them as I try to get Hollywood squared away. Hope some of the vets have enjoyed my movie work. Semper Fi - Dale Dye, Capt. USMC (Ret), Sgt. USMC in Nam
01/27/01 06:31:08 PM  
What is your name? L/Cpl Haggerty, John USMC Ret.
What's your Occupation? 100% disabled nam vet
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes!!!
Where do you live? Guam now!
How did you find out about this website?? EchoVet
What Unit Did You Serve With? echo 2/3/3 68
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? lookin for then Cpl. Dean Taylor who was my squad leader in my hole with me the day I got my second heart, 31 May 1968 (Foxtrot ridge) Khe Sanh!!! who with the head corpsman got me out of our hole and up to Doc's hole!!!
01/27/01 12:37:11 AM  
What is your name? Bob Filice
What's your Occupation? I work for the Monterey County Pulic Works Dept. for 16 years.
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? Salinas CA.
How did you find out about this website?? Surf
What Unit Did You Serve With? HQ.CO./5th Marines
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I notice your "TET OFFENCE BANNER", bend there, done it. Check out my Website. Semper Fi, Bob Filice.
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01/26/01 10:42:17 AM  
What is your name? Bill Honan
What's your Occupation? V.P. Sales & Marketing (Horticulture)
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? Westport, CT
How did you find out about this website?? Sent by a friend
What Unit Did You Serve With? Golf Co. 2/3, Charlie Co. 1/5
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Planning to attend 60th anniversary of 1st MarDiv at Pendleton January 29-February 2, 2001. First timer at this kind of event...35 years ago...
01/25/01 04:02:27 PM  
What is your name? Jon Johnson
What's your Occupation? Machinist - CNC Lathes
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? Sidney, Ohio
How did you find out about this website?? Q !!!
What Unit Did You Serve With? Delta 1/5 - 1966
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? HERE'S TO US AND THOSE LIKE US........AND THERE'S DAMN FEW OF US LEFT!
01/24/01 05:27:00 PM  
What is your name? Jim Stegall
What's your Occupation? owner collision repair facility
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes, USMC 69-70
Where do you live? Jackson Ms
How did you find out about this website?? friend
What Unit Did You Serve With? HQ CO, HQ BN, security platoon
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Wonderful site,almost thru the flics. They look so much like the hundred or so I have. I also have some of freedom hill and Dia Loc pass. We occupied both hills the pass ran between. We were so young, but grew up so fast. It was either that or die, as many of us did. I am looking for anyone who was on OP Thumb during 69-70. Semper Fi
01/24/01 04:29:41 PM  
What is your name? Jim Davlin
What's your Occupation? Retired
Did you serve in Vietnam? 1966
Where do you live? San gabriel CA
How did you find out about this website?? Q
What Unit Did You Serve With? Darling Delta 1/5
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Q outstanding work, hope you are feeling better. Everytime I think I have remebered everything from back then. You or Jon Johnson find another of the old group. God bless you all! May we all be in Heaven 7 days before the devil knws we are gone. Davlin
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01/23/01 10:02:46 AM  
What is your name? Tim Alexander
What's your Occupation? Unemployed - Haven't been able to hold down a job
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? 29 Palms, California
How did you find out about this website?? someone mentioned it to me on a game site
What Unit Did You Serve With? 2/3/3 Foxtrot Co. 81's
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great Web-site, was in the Nam from last of '67 - '68. The only people I have come in contact with that I would trust my life to were my Viet Nam comrades. I observed Bravery, Unity, Compasion, and Heroism on a daily basis. I salute all of you who made it back to the world. Most of all, I salute you who didn't.
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01/22/01 08:43:37 PM  
What is your name? William P Bussey
What's your Occupation? retired
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? Bolivar, MO
How did you find out about this website?? Looking for A/1/5
What Unit Did You Serve With? 2nd plt. Able CO, 1st BN 5th Mar.1951
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I enjoyed looking at your web page, I was a little before your time, the only difference I could see was the terrain, I would have rather fought my war than yours, Don't like jungle, but didn't care for sub zero weather either. a grunt is still a grunt no matter what the war.
01/22/01 12:26:17 AM  
What is your name? Harmon W. Wright
What's your Occupation? Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Did you serve in Vietnam? Dong Ha/11th Engineers
Where do you live? Phoenix, Az
How did you find out about this website?? Cruzin the Web
What Unit Did You Serve With? 11th Engineers, Dong ha
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Just lookin to find out where I was and possibly why. My son likes to know about this stuff.
01/21/01 10:54:30 AM  
What is your name? Sam Butte
What's your Occupation? truck driver
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? Arlington Ohio
How did you find out about this website?? linked
What Unit Did You Serve With? Delta 1-5 third herd 69-70
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Keep up the good work.
01/21/01 10:52:58 AM  
What is your name? Sam Butte 'boot'
What's your Occupation? truck driver
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? Arlington Ohio
How did you find out about this website?? linked
What Unit Did You Serve With? Delta 1-5 third herd 69-70
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Keep up the good work.
01/20/01 08:18:39 PM  
What is your name? Gus Carroll
What's your Occupation? Electronics Tech
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes, TDY via Air Force
Where do you live? New Baden IL
How did you find out about this website?? Saw URL posted on a Veterans List
What Unit Did You Serve With? 1st Mobile Comm Group, Clark AB Philippines
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Ya done good. Helluva site! Gus Carroll MSgt USAF (Ret.)
01/20/01 07:11:33 PM  
What is your name? Cloyde C.Pinson, Sr.
What's your Occupation? Captain, USAF, Retired
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? Dallas, TX
How did you find out about this website?? Email from Q
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Would like to hear from anyone that knew Cloyde, Jr.
01/20/01 07:08:37 AM  
What is your name? Wil Browning Jr. (SGT)
What's your Occupation? AV-8B Harrier inspector Boeing A/C Co.
Did you serve in Vietnam? NO
Where do you live? ST LOUIS
How did you find out about this website?? SURFING
What Unit Did You Serve With? H&S 1/5 COMM PLT AND VMA(AW)242 HYD SHOP
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? (no comment)
01/20/01 07:00:54 AM  
What is your name? sam gwaltney
What's your Occupation? 100%dav
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? jax miss.
How did you find out about this website?? frnd
What Unit Did You Serve With? 7thcom, 3bn 5th mar ende 3rdcac c3.67=68
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? good site thanks semperfi we all done our thing, i won...........
01/19/01 01:42:31 PM  
What is your name? Betty Davis
What's your Occupation? Dispatcher
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? Ketchikan, Alaska
How did you find out about this website?? through an egroup who submitted your link
What Unit Did You Serve With?
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Thank you for being there, for sharing what it was like to be there during a time those of us who weren't military were being protected by you. Thanks to all Veterans for this freedom we enjoy. To share your memories, your photos, a part of yourself with others has had to be a painful experience but I hope also a healing experience. Welcome home to all of you who were there...without you we wouldn't be able to sign guestbooks today.
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01/19/01 08:23:48 AM  
What is your name? Gary Grinstead Msgt USMC Ret.
What's your Occupation? Comp Programmer
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? Mo.
How did you find out about this website?? Vince Rawlins
What Unit Did You Serve With? Lima 3/5 among others
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Just checking it out and glad to see Clinton go. I hear his next job is gonna be an editor at Hustler.
01/19/01 06:59:30 AM  
What is your name? Linda Turner
Where do you live? texas
How did you find out about this website?? friend
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Thank you for the site. Only through the eyes of a Veteran can we learn. There are not enough words or actions that we Americans can say or do to express our gratitude to you for defending this wonderful country of ours. Without men and women such as yourselves we would not be the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free and we Americans would not be who we, ourselves, are today without you. You have given us the freedom to make our own decisions, to speak out, to protest against something we do or don't believe in. Through your own sacrifices you have given us the honor to lift our heads, proud to be an American. And most important, through your sacrifices, you have and continue to make this land honorable and free for future generations. From the Vets, Wives and Families we honor and salute you and we thank you for all you have done for us.
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01/18/01 07:49:05 PM  
What is your name? WM. BARRY PERKINS
Did you serve in Vietnam? YES
Where do you live? WASILLA, ALASKA
How did you find out about this website?? A MARINE BUDDY
What Unit Did You Serve With? D 1/5
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? WOULD LIKE TO HEAR MORE ABOUT THE REUNION ON 7/15/2001 IN PORTLAND.
01/17/01 06:44:31 PM  
What is your name? President of HardBunker
What's your Occupation? Retired
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? Miami Florida
How did you find out about this website?? Linked
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I was in Cambodia. Saw a man die in my hands. When a friend dies not even a crying enemy wounds your efforts. But the enemy does not ever cry. I was lost, My team was on a 1 mile radious from me. I found myself with a Vietnamese. He struck a bayonet into my left foot. I used my right foot to kick him away, I found an AK-47 and shot him until the magazine emptied. They fight like if they had a deathwish. I fight with the technics of the self deffence of the Isreali Army. It was rough. But to be a Marine we have to be rough ourselves. Remmember, a grateful world might not know you, but it thanks you. God bless you all.....
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01/17/01 12:05:47 PM  
What is your name? Timothy Kennison
What's your Occupation? student
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? Charles City, Iowa
How did you find out about this website?? School
What Unit Did You Serve With? none I;m a kid
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Tell Me about the Vietnam War, please
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01/16/01 09:42:01 AM  
What is your name? Anthony Ross
What's your Occupation? High School student
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? Arcadia, South Carolina
How did you find out about this website?? researching for report
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? (no comment)
01/15/01 06:28:34 PM  
What is your name? Don Hutchinson
What's your Occupation? Truck Driver
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes with 1stMarDiv and 2nd CAG 66-69
Where do you live? LaGrange, NC
How did you find out about this website?? Surfing the web
What Unit Did You Serve With? 1stMarDiv and 2nd CAG
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site for all the D/1/5 marines.
01/15/01 10:43:31 AM  
What is your name? Sam Veer
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? Freeport, Il.
How did you find out about this website?? surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? A Co. 1/12 1st Cav Div. 70-71
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? great site welcome home to all
01/14/01 09:07:17 PM  
What is your name? Derek Richardson
What's your Occupation? student
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? NH
How did you find out about this website?? surfing
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I go to Parris Island soon--because of the inspiration that Marines like those in these pictures provide. It is the valor exemplified by veterans like those from Vietnam that keep the Corps going as the best thing in America. Glory to those who have won glory (you guys, the Marines), and Semper Fi.
01/14/01 07:07:59 PM  
What is your name? anne george
What's your Occupation? police dispatcher
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? philadelphia., pennsylvania
How did you find out about this website?? from fellow co worker, jose cruz
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? god bless u all and ur families too. my father fought in world war 2,for the whole length of the war. lied to get in at 18 yrs. was in the 8th bomber group, in england. flew on the b-24 liberators. was a navigator. was a good good man, and a good good father. he is missed by us all. he taught us all to do good in the world, work hard, love our famlies, and respect all.
01/13/01 04:57:54 PM  
What is your name? John R. Haldeman (Jesse)
What's your Occupation? retired
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? Pine Grove, PA
How did you find out about this website?? letter from Q
What Unit Did You Serve With? Delta 1/5 wpns/plt M-60s
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I served from June '67 to Jan. '68; Que Son Valley to Phu Loc. I would like to hear from all brothers who served with me. Semper Fi!
01/13/01 10:38:02 AM  
What is your name? Lewis C. Lawhorn, Sr.
What's your Occupation? Law Enforcement
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes - November '67 to May '68
Where do you live? Washington Township - Apollo Pennsylvania
How did you find out about this website?? Letter correspondence mailed to my home address
What Unit Did You Serve With? Delta Co. 1/5
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Proud to be a Marine. Proud to be a part of the history of Viet Nam. Do not like to hear that we "lost the war." Anyone that was over there, and fought like we did knew it was the other way around.
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01/11/01 02:27:39 PM  
What is your name? bill taylor
What's your Occupation? owner/operator . semi driver
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? lancaster,ohio
How did you find out about this website?? surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? "A" Btry 2/9 Arty 4th. Inf. Div.Dec.67-Dec.68
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site. Had a life long friend kia,Quang Tri Province July 69.LCpl.Timothy W. Hansley 0330. from Rockbridge, Ohio. Trying to find any one who knew Tim. Don't know what outfit he was in.Any ideas? Thanks,Bill. Semper Fi. P.S. Son did 6 yrs, 91-97 in Marines. WELCOME HOME!!
01/10/01 05:34:26 AM  
What is your name? David Thompson
What's your Occupation? Law Enforcement
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes.
Where do you live? Hampton, Fl.
How did you find out about this website?? Surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? C1/5 1/69 to 1/70
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site. Saw a few old friends listed here. Did you by chance knoe Bernie VanTuinen from Grand Rapids, Michigan? He was with Delta the same time I was Charlie. Good man. Served as best man at my wedding. Keep up the good work.
01/09/01 08:33:53 PM  
What is your name? Charles Taliaferro
What's your Occupation? Retired
Where do you live? NAS Lemoore (CA)
How did you find out about this website?? Friend
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great web site! Brought back many memories.
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01/09/01 06:16:50 PM  
What is your name? BERNIE
What's your Occupation? pc operator
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? ohio
How did you find out about this website?? link to my site
What Unit Did You Serve With? 11th a/c 3rd sq k troop
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Real nice site you have here,keep up the good work, sgt wilson 11th 3rd sq k troop
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01/09/01 01:26:31 PM  
What is your name? Al homan
What's your Occupation? Truck driver
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? RR 1Pierce,Ne.
How did you find out about this website?? just looking around
What Unit Did You Serve With? 60 mortars India 3rd Bn 7th Marines
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? It was great. Semper FI.
01/09/01 07:31:45 AM  
What is your name? Bill Randall
What's your Occupation? Police Officer
Did you serve in Vietnam? 1969
Where do you live? New Jersey
How did you find out about this website??
What Unit Did You Serve With? Bravo 1/9 3d MARDIV
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site. Semper Fi
01/07/01 02:32:55 PM  
What is your name? Sgt. A. Woodall
What's your Occupation? civilian
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? tampa, fl
How did you find out about this website?? browsing
What Unit Did You Serve With? 3rd Force Service Regiment
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I'm proud to have served with each and every Marine during my enlistment perid from 1966-70. I spent 13 months on the Rock in a motor transport unit, and upon returning to the states, I remained at Camp Pendleton.
01/07/01 11:04:23 AM  
What is your name? OSCAR J. MARTINEZ
What's your Occupation? SECURITY GUARD
Did you serve in Vietnam? NO( I WAS BORN 5-1-66 TOO YOUNG TO PARTICIPATE"""
Where do you live? NEW ROCHELLE, NY
How did you find out about this website?? JUST SURFING DUDE"""
What Unit Did You Serve With? NEVER BEEN IN THE MILITARY
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Politics is a complicated subject, I think that our american soldiers were not given proper recognition when they came back from Vietnam. It's always the same people that fight for america , the poor, minorities. Rich and the well to do , liberals always criticizing our government but they don't look at our men who gave their life for America. It is unfortunate that many of our citizens do not have acccess to education and many foreigners are given all of the opportunities of the world. I think this is a great site about our forgotten america , our heroes . God Bless America.
01/06/01 11:56:20 PM  
What is your name? Wesley Johnson
What's your Occupation? retired
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? Belleville MI.
How did you find out about this website?? just surfing
What Unit Did You Serve With? H/3/12(attached to 3rd recon)65-66 1st force recon(68-70)
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? You are to be commended for this great site. The pride between comrades who have seen the elephant gives birth to a strong and lasting friendship. Keep up the good work and continue bringing these marines together.My tour in 1/5 was in 59-60 and I'll never forget it. SEMPER FI
01/06/01 01:26:02 PM  
What is your name? Dale
What's your Occupation? retired U.S.M.C.
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes
Where do you live? Troutman, N.C.
How did you find out about this website?? letter from Q. & Jose
What Unit Did You Serve With? Delta 1/5 third herd
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? no gripes,I am honored to have served with the finest men I've ever known.Everone had to be somewhere. I feel fortunate to have been tested under fire and survided all due to the courageous men I served with. To me each and every one a hero. Sometimes known as Flip or Willie. If you out there drop me a line. Semper Fi, Dale
01/05/01 11:48:56 AM  
What is your name? Bill Junkins
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? Lincoln, Me
How did you find out about this website?? Web Ring
What Unit Did You Serve With? Det. #3, 38th Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great pictoral history.
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01/04/01 06:20:13 PM  
What is your name? Brian Pfeiffer
What's your Occupation? Student
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? Allen, Texas
How did you find out about this website?? Surfing
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I just want to thank all the Marines and members of the armed forces who went though a hell I could not imagine. As a member of the Marine Corps DEP program and whose ship date to boot camp is drawing ever closer I hope I can live up to the legacy layed before me. God Bless the men who made it home and the one's who never made back to the country they were fighting for. Simper Fi
01/04/01 06:05:52 PM  
What is your name? Tim Matye
What's your Occupation? USMC Retired
Did you serve in Vietnam? 1968
Where do you live? Lancaster, CA
How did you find out about this website?? Cruised on in
What Unit Did You Serve With? Bravo Company, 1st Tank Battalion, 1st Mar. Div.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Very, very fine work... Indeed a very fine tribute to Delta, 1/5... My tank platoon supported the 5th Marines several times during my tour in the Go Noi, Arizona and Dodge City areas southwest of Danang. Perhaps we may have supported Delta, 1/5 some where along the line. Semper Fi...
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01/04/01 03:43:33 PM  
What is your name? medicine wolf
What's your Occupation? survival instructor
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? saskatchewan canada
How did you find out about this website?? through another site
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? greetings from the camp of the little people.............
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01/04/01 02:40:13 AM  
What is your name? reynold "romeo"
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? vienna, austria
How did you find out about this website?? surfing around
What Unit Did You Serve With? infantry, 3rd Platoon
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? every soldier who survived the hell in Vietnam, can be very proud of himself. greatest honor to these men!
01/03/01 05:03:09 PM  
What is your name? Theodore C. Zoutis "Zeeman"
What's your Occupation? retired
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes from Apr'66-June '68
Where do you live? Carlsbad, CA
How did you find out about this website?? from Jose Cruz
What Unit Did You Serve With? M 3/1 and 2nd CAG
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site, Welcome Home all and check out our site when you have time.
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01/03/01 03:49:33 AM  
What is your name? John
What's your Occupation? student
Did you serve in Vietnam? no but i admire ppl who did
Where do you live? Perth Australia
How did you find out about this website?? Surfin The Net
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? This is a very well done site Q U rock And to all the ppl Who Served YOU GUYS RULE and all ppl of the world not just americans admire u WELL DONE!
01/02/01 05:14:59 PM  
What is your name? Allan Budvitis
What's your Occupation? Offshore Supervisor - Oil Prod.
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? New Orleans, La
How did you find out about this website?? From
What Unit Did You Serve With? C/1/5/1 in 2-68/2/69 then with (CAP 1-4-2/6)10/'69
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Thank you for the site, it does bring back memories of all kinds. Always remember those we left behind.
01/02/01 07:11:52 AM  
What is your name? COL.AJ.BORJAS
What's your Occupation? city officer state of florida
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? miami florida
How did you find out about this website?? top 50
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? we at wish you all the best great site MARINE
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01/02/01 02:00:49 AM  
What is your name? George M Toler
What's your Occupation? retired
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? NC
How did you find out about this website?? ssurfiiing
What Unit Did You Serve With? USN 2/43/-3/46 VP-27 6-1-44/3-46
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great Site, very informative, I was a flight engineer on PBM 5A, landed at Okinawa 3/29, invaded 4/1/45, Easter Sunday. The Gireenes did a great job Okinawa, you have my greatest reguad for the service you did and are doing. My brrother was a Girene in the Koreaian mess.(Another polictial fiscasso) KEEP ON, KEEPING ON