Delta Co 1Bn 5Th Marines Guestbook!
10/07/00 06:15:24 PM  
What is your name? Milos Stanic
What's your Occupation? Yugoslav Army Captain
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? yugoslavia
How did you find out about this website?? Surfed on
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? You guys did a fantastic job in Vietnam, too bad you did'd let us finish ours in Kosovo.
10/06/00 06:15:11 AM  
What is your name? Tom Lumpkin
What's your Occupation? Corporate Security/Loss Prevention
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes.119thAsltHelCo,52ndCbtAvnBn,CampHolloway,Pleiku,Jan-Dec70
Where do you live? Northern Virginia
How did you find out about this website?? Guestbook entry (URL)at
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? WelcomeHome,Q and All Bros! Supersite,Q! Need to find out what I can about the loss of my good friend, PFC Daniel Paul Colgan, USMC, G2/5/1st Marines (and from El Paso, Texas) in vicinity AnHoa, on 10/07/68. Danny was lost while I was in boot camp, and I had no confirmation of the reality of it until I could see his name on the The Wall in 1984. Danny was a volunteer, and a True American; God rest his soul, and God bless us all. Please, if anyone can shed some light on his passing, email me. I have 2/5's after-action reports, which don't reveal much, but Q, or anyone else, you may have a copy if you wish. Make peace, but if unsuccessful, make War with all it takes; SCREW Hanoi Jane/Hillary and Bolshevik Bill!nd . On his 'Nam visit, I hope he gets a punji in his ass.
10/05/00 08:28:01 AM  
What is your name? Scott Dickerson
What's your Occupation? SE Asia Sales - hardwood lumber
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? PA
How did you find out about this website?? a friend who served in VN
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I've been to Vietnam 3 times in the last year, and visited An Hoa to see where my friend served. Anyone thinking about visiting Vietnam should consider doing it before it turns into another Bangkok.
10/04/00 01:29:22 AM  
What is your name? Jim Miller
Did you serve in Vietnam? Mag 16 (helicopters at marble mountain AF)
Where do you live? California
How did you find out about this website?? a mutual friend
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I cant believe its been 30 years since I was at MMAF.....................
10/02/00 07:34:00 AM  
What is your name? Wabbit01
What's your Occupation? Retired Cop and now Chief Investigator
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes
Where do you live? Ohio
How did you find out about this website?? Through Marines Web Site
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I served with 31st M.A.U./9th Marines as a door Gunner.0331 I also have a site which honors fallen friends of mine and fallen cop friends of mine and Yes the war still carries on. SEMPER FI Brothers our blood is one
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10/01/00 10:30:30 PM  
What is your name? Modock Owen
What's your Occupation? Supervisor for a const, co.
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes Dco 3rd recon bn 1965
Where do you live? Texas
How did you find out about this website?? Just looking
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I got there early, Left early, Always regretted Ihad to leave,my buddies behind. Scoped out the flicks, was not my unit,but still dug up old memores
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10/01/00 07:05:38 PM  
What is your name? Steve Gardner
What's your Occupation? Deputy Sheriff
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes with 2/5
Where do you live? Amboy, Il.
How did you find out about this website?? Through a 1/5 friend.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Glad to see more of us getting on line and being able to contact each other.
09/28/00 02:50:54 PM  
What is your name? IGNACIO "NASH"CONTRERAS
What's your Occupation? MFG.MANAGER
Did you serve in Vietnam? DELTA CO. 1/5 1966
Where do you live? SAUK VILLAGE, ILL.
How did you find out about this website?? JON JOHNSON
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? GREAT WETSITE, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.SEMPER FI. ALWAYS.
09/28/00 02:31:53 PM  
What is your name? Bill James
What's your Occupation? free lance writer
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes A 1/5 8/67-3/68
Where do you live? Dallas
How did you find out about this website?? sniper 1/5 web site
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great pics from a great bunch of men. Q, many thanks to you.
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09/27/00 12:22:49 PM  
What is your name? Bruce R. Harder
What's your Occupation? Executive
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes, 12/69-12/70 F/2/26; A/1/5; D, 1st MP BN 07/72-03/73-VMFA 333 USS America
Where do you live? Virginia
How did you find out about this website?? Somebody sent me an e-mail
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Brought back memories
09/26/00 11:41:14 AM  
What is your name? george spiekermann
Did you serve in Vietnam? yes w/ Fox 2/9 "68-'69
Where do you live? VT
How did you find out about this website?? surfing
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? job well done
09/25/00 09:32:02 PM  
What is your name? Earl K. Carson (Former S/Sgt, USMC)
What's your Occupation? Retired. Former Electrical engineer
Did you serve in Vietnam? No. Korea was my war.
Where do you live? Seattle, WA
How did you find out about this website?? Saw the URL in Marine site.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site guys. Wish someone would start something this good for us vets of the "Forgotten War." Was with C Co., 1st Tank Bn., 1st Mar Div FMF - Korea, from 9/1950 to 11/1951
09/24/00 03:37:26 PM  
What is your name? Fred Dunham
What's your Occupation? Window/door sales, service
Did you serve in Vietnam? No ( Army Artillery '82-90)
Where do you live? Tempe, AZ
How did you find out about this website?? Just surfing
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? This site is truly a treasure of recent American history, and an excellant tribute to the Marines of D-1/5. (My cousin George served in 1/9 in part of 1967)
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09/21/00 07:05:34 PM  
What is your name? Don Hutchinson
What's your Occupation? Truck Driver
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes with 1stMarDiv and 2nd CAG 66-69
Where do you live? LaGrange, NC
How did you find out about this website?? Surfing the web
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Enjoyed your website. Always looking for marines I served with from 65-71. Took a break from the Corps and joined the Navy and retired in September 1991 as a Chief Yeoman.
09/20/00 07:27:16 PM  
What is your name? johnny buckley
What's your Occupation? sales manager
Did you serve in Vietnam? no/ desert storm --- 1/11
Where do you live? boston
How did you find out about this website?? someone in my clan MARINE CORP GRUNTS
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? JUST DROPPING IN TO SAY OHH RAH
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09/20/00 05:14:39 PM  
What is your name? Woodrow D. Absher
What's your Occupation? U.D.T.
Did you serve in Vietnam? No. My dad did.
Where do you live? Winston salem ,north carolina.
How did you find out about this website?? I was looking through the history of the vietnam war to get more of an idea what my dad and others went through,cam across your website through advertisement.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? I have the most respect for all those that were there and served and died there. So far I've learned to hate Jane Fucking Fonda.
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09/19/00 05:11:23 PM  
What is your name? Jim Wodecki
What's your Occupation? contractor
Did you serve in Vietnam? DaNang, Red Beach, KheSanh 66-67 FLSU#2 FLC
Where do you live? Dallas Tx
How did you find out about this website?? from the webmaster
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Welcome Home Brother nice site it is good we remember our brothers. Semper Fi Jim Wodecki
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09/19/00 03:10:57 PM  
What is your name? Mike "Doc" Wallace
What's your Occupation? Nurse
Did you serve in Vietnam? CORPSMAN-11th Engineer Bn./3rd Mar Div 67-68
Where do you live? Kansas
How did you find out about this website?? Banner
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? (no comment)
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09/19/00 03:08:16 PM  
What is your name? Mike Wallace
What's your Occupation? Nurse
Did you serve in Vietnam? CORPSMAN-11engineer Bn. 67-68
Where do you live? Kansas
How did you find out about this website?? Banner
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? (no comment)
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09/18/00 07:15:20 PM  
What is your name? Earl K. Carson (Former S/Sgt, USMC)
What's your Occupation? Retired.
Did you serve in Vietnam? No (Korea War veteran)
Where do you live? Seattle, Wa
How did you find out about this website?? On Marine Corps bulletin board.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site guys. Sorry I couldn't be there in your little war, but I had my fill of it in Korea. You guys did great, under idiotic directions from the traitors in Washington, DC.
09/17/00 02:03:34 PM  
What is your name? Lloyd G. "Pappy" Reynolds
Did you serve in Vietnam? Yes, Dec. 66 to Jan 68
Where do you live? CA
How did you find out about this website?? Refered by a fellow tanker
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great site. I operated in the same TAOR, An Hoa, Arizona Territory, Phu Loc 6. Worked mostly with 2/5 though. I'll link your web site. Link mine. Semper Fi
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09/16/00 06:05:36 PM  
What is your name? Clay Snear (Snoopy)
What's your Occupation? .com
Did you serve in Vietnam? 67-68
Where do you live? Texas
How did you find out about this website?? Link through Marine Helo Vet. Site
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great Web site. 'a tribute to 1/5 your accomplishments, your patriotism and your commraderie. I was with HMM 262 primarily flying Northern "I" Corps (CH46 as on pg. 17 resupply) Ooorah! Siemper Fi!
09/16/00 08:23:20 AM  
What is your name? Howard Vaught
What's your Occupation? MFG TECH
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? Winchester Ohio
How did you find out about this website?? Email
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Great pics and a outstanding site Marine.I was with B/1/5 in 61 Also B/1/9 L/3/8.Semper Fi Brother
09/15/00 10:56:58 PM  
What is your name? Q Madp
What's your Occupation? Self Employed PC guy
Did you serve in Vietnam? No
Where do you live? Portland OR
How did you find out about this website?? I am The Creator Of This Website.
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Wow!! I just put up this new Guest Book, and before I could make the first entry, someone beat me to it. Pretty cool!!!!!
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09/15/00 10:50:19 PM  
What is your name? Buddy
What's your Occupation? civilian
Did you serve in Vietnam? no
Where do you live? Denver
How did you find out about this website?? E-mail invitation
Comments,Praises,Gripes, What's On your mind? Wow! fantastic site! Excellent photography, good organization. I'd like to say thanks to ALL of the men and women who serve, and who have served. Your courage inspires us all, and makes every day possible for us. Thank you.
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